*Nauti Memorial Day weekend Sale, plus brand new Vector Excel QR Straps now available!


Happy Memorial Day.  Things have been crazy busy around the Robichaud camp of late, but nonetheless, we’ve got a brand new wrist strap available in the Vector Excel.  It’s the same fundamental design as the original Vector, yet it uses a thicker, wider material as well as replaces the split ring with a stainless steel quick release clasp.  For the holiday weekend, we’re offering 15% off of any and all straps we build by using the code MEM15 over at NautiStraps.com HERE.

The new Vector Excel was designed in response to inquires about a wrist strap for larger cameras, providing a more comfortable fit for heavier setups.  While it provides a comfortable option for larger cameras, it does great for smaller cams too.  Great for DSLRs, Mirrorless and compact Cams, the quick release clasp allows you to switch between straps, or remove the strap when on a tripod, in the bag, or wanting to quickly switch the strap between different cameras.

Available in 4 different colors (red/black, blue/black/orange, silver/black and solid black with 3m reflective tracer), the Excel is ready to go.  

Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone stateside, and happy regular weekend to everyone else. Visit us at NautiStraps.com and use MEM15 at checkout to get 15% off of the Excell, or any of our hand built camera straps through Monday.  

Find Nauti Straps on Instagram HERE, or Facebook HERE and share your shots using the hashtag #ishootnauti for a chance to win future giveaways.

Thanks and happy shooting,


*Brand New, adjustable Wayfarer Strap. Comfy, elegant and on sale!!!



I get a lot of enjoyment from figuring out more efficient and elegant ways to design camera straps.  One question I’ve fielded multiple times has been the desire to see an adjustable, nautical rope shoulder strap.  The Regatta strap has done well, and has been well received, but for me, it posed two problems.  First, the adjustability.  Tricky part with rope is that there are few ways to actually allow for adjustment to length without bulky hardware.  Secondly, while it does well for rigs up to 2-2.5 lbs, after that, a single rope can become a little uncomfortable while out and about if carrying your camera for long periods of time.  Enter the brand new Wayfarer shoulder strap which remedies both of those issues, and I’m really happy with how they’ve come out.  Available in 7 different colorways, at Nautistraps.com now, you can also get them for 15% off as an introductory sale offer this week, using the code “NAUTIWAY15” at checkout.

C’mon in to see colors and learn a little bit more about the design process…

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*ZY Optics, Zhong Yi Mitakon Speedmaster 25mm f/0.95 lens for Micro 4/3 user review

ZY Speedmaster 25mm f/0.95

Small, sharp, fast, relatively light and comparably inexpensive.  All things I love in a lens.  ZY Optics has produced yet another ultra fast option for micro 4/3 shooters, but a first option available in a dedicated mount, faster than f/1.4, new for under $400. 

The question now stands, how does this fit in with all the other standard/normal lens offerings within the micro 4/3 landscape?  Well, more easily than you might think.  While not perfect, it definitely has enough going for it to justify a look.  C’mon in for my thoughts and some tests against the Pana-Leica 25mm f/1.4 Summilux…

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*Pana-Leica 15mm f/1.7 ASPH Lens on Sale!

leica 15mm on sale!

This little gem is on sale for $70 off right now.  I’m not normally a sale pumper unless it is for stuff I use, I like and I would recommend.  If you’ve been on the fence, or waiting for this lens to drop a little, here’s a great opportunity to save a good amount of money on a great little lens.

Find the Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 15mm f/1.7 Aspherical lens on sale at Adorama HERE and B&H HERE.

If you’d like to see my review on the Leica 15mm, you can read that HERE.

Or, if you’d also like to read the head to head (to head) between the Leica 15, and the two Lumix Pancakes (14mm and 20mm) I did a comparison article HERE.

It is a great mate to any of the micro 4/3 cameras, especially the GM bodies, and is compact and lightweight enough to go largely unnoticed in the bag.  I’ve been shooting the 15mm on the new GX8 with its 20mp sensor providing great results for me.


*Panasonic Lumix G Vario 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens, Tested

Lumix G Vario 12-32mm f/3.5-5.6 lens review Yet another kit lens has come onto the scene.  On paper, ho-hum, a little wider, a little shorter, still slow, no focus ring…  Why would this particular kit lens be a better choice than the other current options?  Yes, it’s tiny and light weight and nearly as small as the Lumix 14mm Pancake lens, but what’s this?  It’s reasonably sharp at all focal lengths and all apertures and offers us a 24mm equivalent lens as opposed to the moderate wide 28mm equivalent in most all other kit zooms… Interesting.  Hit the jump for my user review on this little optic…

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*Panasonic GM1 Reviewed – Say hello to my little friend

gm1 and friends

I have spent the better part of the last month shooting with this camera almost exclusively.  I wanted to really get a feel for this tiny machine, its ins and outs, before I wrote up any type of review.  While being the smallest interchangeable lens system camera body currently available, it certainly has some ergonomic drawbacks, but that begs the question, who is this camera for, and can it be a compliment or even replacement for another of the micro 4/3 system cameras, even {gasp} a larger system camera?  Well…

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*Panasonic Lumix 20/20 vision! v.1 vs v.2


What the what?  Why did Panasonic replace a seemingly near perfect lens with one that from initial reports didn’t remedy the AF speed which was really the only major gripe about the first version?  Well, let’s see…

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*Canon EOS-M: Almost there, kinda.

canon eos-m

The last few years have seen a very large push in the photographic landscape toward smaller, lighter, high performing mirrorless interchangable lens compact system cameras. Most of the major camera manufacturers have produced something in this new segment. As Panasonic started the whole party off with the G1 a few years back, Olympus, Sony and Samsung jumped in quickly thereafter. Pentax and Ricoh have even had some interesting ideas since. Nikon and Canon watched this segment closely I’m sure, and calculated their entry into the mirrorless ring. Nikon took a different tack, creating a very small (comparatively) sensor system and Canon came up with this, the EOS-M. A few weeks ago, and after what many saw as a response to very poor reception and subsequent lack of sales since its introduction, Canon dropped the price of this APS-C sensor, mirrorless compact camera through the ground and I bit. Here are my thoughts on the camera itself, the Canon approach and where I think they need to go in the future with this…

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*Mirrorless Mania! Which camera should I get?

I have been receiving quite a few emails lately asking which mirrorless interchangeable lens compact cameras I would suggest, so I figured I would give a quick rundown on who I feel would benefit from each of the current stock out there and which I feel are the “best” choices.

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